What's in your bag today, Céline Janou Weder? Part I
What's in your bag today, Céline Janou Weder?
Wiener Staatsballett
Today it is not only about the contents and volume of a dancer’s bag but also about creativity!
Céline Janou Weder’s bag is simply fascinating. She carries all her “tools” carefully, in a very organized and meticulous way – I simply love and admire Swiss organization & precision: skirts (which she has sewed herself), different pairs of shoes, foot plates (to relieve pain when needed), fans, pointshoe craper and so many other items…
Her bag is a fascinating world. A true dancer’s world. And it is huge… It all began when Miss Weder realized that she was always forgetting something in her dressing room. She designed her own bag, made of different cloths, in which she can carry up to six pairs of shoes, beautifully organized and everything else she may need.
A “touch” of chic is added not only by her own logo but also by the beautiful combination of patterns and by the fact that she can use the bag both sides – I mean as a double-faced bag – depending on the colours she may be wearing. Brilliant!
To be very honest: I think Miss Weder should earnestly think of patenting this item… I am sure she could earn lots of money with this beautiful idea! But this inventiveness and charm does not surprise me at all – it simply reflects that same attitude that accompanies her versatility on stage; where she commands her trade beautifully from classic to modern, always giving beautiful, intelligent readings of her roles!
Thank you, Miss Weder for such a pleasant afternoon letting me “look through your (most interesting) bag”!
More about Miss Weder's creative and wondeful work will follow within the next months!
Ricardo Leitner / Attitude-devant