Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


A dancer with an attitude: Sascha Tcacenco - Vienna State Ballet

A dancer with an attitude: Sascha Tcacenco - Vienna State Ballet

A dancer with that special quality that has become quite rare nowadays: masculinity united with height. He is a tall dancer and he is a man on stage. A danseur with gifted acting skills, beautiful clean technique, musicality and intelligence. And an attitude!

Copyright: Thomas Schulz

Copyright: Thomas Schulz

We need young dancers with these qualities. I am looking forward to watching more performances with Mr. Tcacenco this season.



Tarantella (Balanchine) - Patricia McBride & Edward Villela

Tarantella (Balanchine) - Patricia McBride & Edward Villela

Alice in Wonderland: Royal Opera House

Alice in Wonderland: Royal Opera House