"attitude": the second Anniversary
Yes, exactly two years ago today, “attitude” had its formal introduction in the online world of Dance, Social media, Information…
It is very important to any “online vehicle” to be transparent. It is necessary for everyone to realize that people “made of flesh and blood” (and feelings) are behind the page. That is what I try to do.
Even though the first attitude’s Month was quite turbulent, we have been having quite a steady “timeline” and everyday more followers join us . Just a short explanation: the person who was helping me build this page simply “left” for a trip after I had paid her for her unfinished “job”: I was still quite uninformed about things like Newsletters, technical administration, downloading of pictures, uploading articles to Sharepoint etc.) But, to be quite honest, that was the best thing that could have happened. I got rid of a person that wanted to be in control of my work (to earn more money) and I have learned many things by doing them by myself ever since. I developed own strategies and thoughts by trying many things and later, I got a fantastic professional (whose specialization is “Sharepoint”), that works for me. Just last month we cleaned up the last mistakes that had been done by the person mentioned above. Can you believe that? After nearly two years her inability was still “haunting” my page… But that is done with now. Herewith I must thank Alexandra Prasch for her excellent and professional work!
if you ever need a Squarespace expert: https://www.facebook.com/groups/squarespace.fuers.business/
What else can say? That I am overwhelmed by the following my work? By the number of persons that are interested in Ballet and Dance? By the over 25.000 that have subscribed to my Newsletters and by the nearly 33.000 that follow my Business Page on Facebook? This just shows me that we were all needing a serious, competent platform that does not look at Dance as “fans do” but as an observer. Critically but not offensively.
Yes, there is still much to be done. Still lots of potentials that have not been used up to now. But “Technique” is something that you can learn in a short time. What you cannot learn overnight is a certain knowledge about Dance that was acquired during more than 5 decades and the feeling, respect, understanding and honest joy that are combined with it. This is the most important thing.
It is such fun to share all this with you and the feedback that I have been getting since two years is so very special. Indescribable. Thank you and
Happy Anniversary for us all!
Ricardo Leitner