Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


Thoughts about future decisions...

Thoughts about future decisions...

On the 29th I made a decision and chose not to go to the Vienna State Opera (Nureyev Gala). No interest in watching another “conception”, another “attempt” from the “Artistic” direction ;-)

A dear, dear Friend, an ex Prima-Ballerina who was unjustly fired by Mr Schläpfer, as very many others he had not even worked with, got my Box ticket.

Now I do believe more and more that my ballet days as a critic are going to be soon over - It is not "fun" anymore... and after 4 years with the not-very talented "direction team" at the Vienna State Ballet (“Le trio infernal”, as I call them), I just feel demotivated. It just doesn't thrill me as it used to.

Time to move on... Time for a change.

Let’s have it!

Erika Nowak

Schade! Dein umfassendes Wissen soll doch nicht vergeudet werden!!!

Sarah Edward

You're a true inspiration....the ballet world today needs your critique! Even if everything seems to go wrong.

Michael Shiach

I feel the same as an ex dancer and now ballet teacher there is not the same excitement and thrill and panache as said by alessandra ferri we have lost emotion and found a technicity which is admirable in a gymnasiam but not on a stage .Technique whether it be dancing singing or playing an instrument is a means of expression and emotion we have or the world has forgotten that ballet dance is above all an art .

Sarah Rowles

Michael Shiach I feel the same way, have been distancing myself from the world of ballet more and more. Totally agree with what you have said.

Thoriso Magongwa

How very sad

John Huxley-Travis

Very sad

Марат Маратович Маратов

Ich finde es sehr sehr schade wenn Ihnen Ballett Vorstellung kein Spaß und Sie nicht mehr glücklich macht! Die Zeiten hatte ich leider auch, aber hoffentlich genau wie bei mir, es kommen bessere und schönere und super positive Erfahrungen auf Sie zu und es wird alles wieder repariert , falls irgendwas tatsächlich kaputt gewesen war ! Toi toi toi für die Zukunft und danke für Alles!!!

Ivana Milovanovic Ex Kacunkovic

Very sad. Think twice. Please.

Yes, everything had changed, but the change can be good also. We never know for sure.

Sarah Edward

Please take some time off.. To recharge, focus and rejuvenate.. Yes at times it may seem futile and like no one is listening.. But you are on a nobile mission here Ricardo Leitner

Susanne Mitterbauer

bin sicher, du hast gute gründe dafür und ich hoffe alles ist in ordnung

Jane Mutch

I agree with that sentiment

Amador Perez

Ricardo Leitner, amigo querido de tantos anos, você dançou e fez a crítica da dança, uma experiência rara no meio artístico, dançar e escrever, pois o filtro cultural, conhecimento histórico, visão artística e senso de justiça necessários para exercer uma e outra atividade devem ser muito apurados para que façam sentido, e os seus são excepcionais, então entendo perfeitamente a sua decisão e necessidade de mudança, e não lamento, mas apóio, parabenizo, e continuarei desejando sucesso e alegrias em quaisquer que sejam suas futuras realizações um grande e saudoso abraço!

Hubert Partl

I would suggest that you just pause your ballet going and ballet reviewing for one season, i.e. for the rest of the Schläpfer era, and that you resume it in September 2025, since there is good hope that the ballet will become much more rewarding again in the Ferri era.

Martin Dvorak

Thank you.

Angelo Capodilupo

The ballet situation in Vienna is not exciting at all, I agree with you.

Hubert Partl

You did not miss much. Dato in Schumann and Papava in Kameliendame were as wonderful as in the performances before, and the rest was just "pretty good", not a very special "gala feeling".

Ricardo Leitner Author & Administrator

Hubert Partl a Gala is not supposed to be a repetition of what he had seen in the last months. It is supposed to highlight the dancers' specialties. But once more we are confronted with the questionable present direction that has been causing such "joy" for the last four years (Just one more to go... ): Lack of knowledge, lack of artistic direction skills, lack of sensitive talent in what ballet is concerned...

Petra Postmann

... alles hat seine Zeit .....

Trude Gimpl

Ricardo Du hast soooo viele Moeglichkeiten, for the change, such Dir das Beste davon aus.

Martina Hardt-Mynter

We need your critics, if not the ballet world of over a hundred years, will be gone.

If not, there’s no respect for the development of Ballet in the past.

Fiona Erleigh

Maybe enjoy it without the critical part

Ricardo Leitner

How could that be possible?

Fiona Erleigh

I think I know what you mean. I try now to enjoy what the dancers in front of me can do (rather than what goes wrong on the night, or is deficient in their technique). But it’s hard … once you’ve seen a really good dancer in a role it’s hard to watch others.


Permettez-moi de vous exprimer ma plus sincère et entière gratitude.

Peter Breuer

Don’t do that there are enough idiots to write about ballet and they have no knowledge about this hard and beautiful profession

Just to set it straight: a clarification.

Just to set it straight: a clarification.

Swan Lake, revisited: June 28th, 2024 (Europa Ballett, St. Pölten)

Swan Lake, revisited: June 28th, 2024 (Europa Ballett, St. Pölten)